Behind our Curl-Mazing Secret

I embarked on my curl journey five years ago when I began researching home remedies and routines to recuperate my damaged curls. After all my research I was finally able to establish a curl routine that worked. Growing up I didn't realize how much my curls are a unique part of who I am, and I altered them to fit society's beauty standards. For years, I applied heat to my hair to get a slick blowout because I was constantly told I "look better with straight hair". I now have the knowledge, patience, and most importantly LOVE, that I didn't have for my curls when I was young.
I created illicit curls with one very important mission in mind, for us all to embrace our unique and naturally beautiful curls. Curly hair is meant to be a fun adventure. We believe in bettering the curl, one hair care product at a time. My driving force now is my niece Valentina. I want her to be confident in all of who she is from her curls to her toes. illicit curls is so much more than a product, we want it to be a platform where others can learn to embrace and care for their curls. illicit curls was created with ingredients that have helped me throughout my journey. My products were tested on children ranging from the age of 3 to 11, women ranging from 21-55, and men in their 30s. We want our brand to style, maintain, nourish, and rejuvenate beautiful curlies around the world.

Please stay in touch as we want to be more than just your new favorite products! We want our platform to serve as a curly sanctuary - we will be posting curl tips and our favorite hair care routines (even our curl secrets - you know the secrets we are not supposed to share). 

Stay Curl-Mazing!

Confectioner image
Confectioner image

Children Approved

Hace 5 años que Veronica Díaz se embarcó en un viaje al mundo de los rizos cuando comenzó a investigar remedios caseros y rutinas para encontrar una manera de recuperar sus rizos dañados. Fundé “Illicit Curls” con una misión importante: que todos amemos nuestros rizos únicos y naturalmente hermosos. El cabello rizado está destinado a ser una aventura divertida